Advanced Two-Chair Work in Emotion Focused Therapy

Two-Chair work is a central element of Emotion Focused Therapy and a key part of EFT practice. Basic types of two-chair work on self-critical, self-coercive and self-interruptive splits, along with the relational and task elements and stages of this work, are widely known and have been described. However, in actual practice there turn out to be many specific subtypes and adaptations that both complicate and enrich practice.

In this 4 half-day masterclass, we will take a deeper, broader look at EFT two-chair work. We will start with a brief review of the varieties and elements of EFT chair work before branching out into depressive splits, complex self-interruption splits, anxiety splits and motivational splits.

Day 1: EFT Two Chair Work Overview & Self-critical Splits Review; Depressive Splits
Day 2: Self-interruption Splits & Complex Splits
Day 3: Anxiety Splits & Anxiety Processes
Day 4: Self-Damaging Activities & Motivational Splits

This live, online training will include a mixture of brief lectures, small group discussion, video or live demonstrations, and experiential practise exercises with support from Professor Elliott and other experienced facilitators.

Please note that as this is an advanced training, prior training/experience in EFT is required to attend. This training constitutes 14 hours of CPD.

Robert Elliott, PhD

Robert Elliott is the co-developer of Emotion Focused Therapy. He taught clinical psychology at the University of Toledo, Ohio for nearly 30 years and recently retired from his post as Professor of Counselling at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He is an active and decorated trainer, researcher and author with a focus on the process of change in humanistic-experiential psychotherapies. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Research Career Award (Society for Psychotherapy Research) and the Carl Rogers Award (Division of Humanistic Psychology, American Psychological Association).

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